25 Transformative Money Affirmations - Manifest That! [A Series - Part IV]
As we reach the fourth and final part of the Transformative Money Affirmations series, I hope that you have learned how to create money affirmations that are unique to you. Money affirmations that are compassionate, gentle, and understanding. Money affirmations that help you to feel increasingly confident, calm, independent, and safe and secure financially. Remember that your money affirmations will evolve throughout your life, as our relationship to money is lifelong.
Employment Affirmations
Jobs serve different purposes at different times in our lives. There may be times in our lives when we are seeking personal fulfillment from our jobs at the expense of flexibility and high pay, and there may be times when we are seeking structure and predictability at the expense of professional growth potential and creativity. Sometimes, we can have it all. Oftentimes, we cannot.
Awareness about what you need in a job for this season of your life is crucial in providing direction, alleviating guilt, and feeling confident in your decisions. Use the following activities to inform your employment affirmations…
Read Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor's Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life by Jordan Grumet, MD
Read Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
It is okay that earning more income is a priority for me.
It is okay that earning more income is not a priority for me.
I can work in a helping profession (teachers, nurses, social workers, etc.) and earn money. I do not have to be a martyr, sacrificing my wellbeing for my career.
I am going to apply for new jobs, as I am not fairly compensated or recognized for the work I do at my current employer.
I will keep track of my work accomplishments throughout the year, so I can present them to my boss at my annual review.
Empowerment Affirmations
Financial empowerment takes many forms, including opening an independent savings account, investing your first dollar, starting your own business, and creating a trust for future generations. Financial empowerment reduces feelings of shame and increases feelings of confidence, enhancing overall mental health and financial well being.
You do not need to be a high income earner or a high net worth individual to feel financially empowered. Feeling financially empowered is for everyone. Use the following reflections to inform your empowerment affirmations…
What does financial empowerment mean and look like for you?
In what ways do I feel empowered financially?
In what ways would I like to feel more empowered financially?
I trust myself to make a good financial decision.
I trust myself to seek financial help (financial therapist, mental health therapist, financial advisor, etc.).
I recognize that money will always play a role in life, and I want to actively decide what role it plays.
I can identify what is within my control and what is outside of my control, and I am focusing on what is within my control.
I deserve to feel financially empowered.
Partnership Affirmations
Multi billionaire Warren Buffet among many others believes that the most important financial decision that you will ever make is who you marry. Not only is marriage an economic contract, your partner is the person who will support your dreams and ambitions and who will collaborate with you on setting and working towards achieving your financial goals. Or they won’t. Regardless, you will greatly impact one another financially.
Whether or not you are in a long term partnership, you and your partner can always work on your relationship to money. If you and your partner are looking for unbiased support, consider working with a Certified Financial Therapist. Use the following activity to inform your partnership affirmations…
Follow @soundfinancialtherapy for financial conversation starters to bring you and your partner closer together
I will communicate with my partner what I need in order to feel financially safe and secure with them.
I will start financial conversations with my partner by sharing my feelings as opposed to discussing numbers or making accusations.
I am starting to say ‘our money | income | debt’ instead of ‘my money | income | debt’ or ‘your money | income | debt’, so my partner feels more financially safe and secure.
I understand that, because I committed financial infidelity, it may take my partner time to trust me again.
I understand that, because my partner experienced financial infidelity by a former partner, it may take time for them to trust me. This is a healthy protective mechanism that they have adopted.
Wealth Affirmations
We all have a unique relationship to wealth. Some believe that you can never have enough wealth while others believe that wealth is evil or greedy. A commonly-held belief albeit a misconception is that wealthy people do not have financial stress. While money can solve many problems, it certainly does not heal feelings of financial anxiety, shame, and guilt. If you are working hard to have enough money to eliminate your financial shame, consider working with a certified financial therapist, as you may never reach ‘enough’.
Regardless of your beliefs about wealth, it is ever beneficial to take the time to better understand these beliefs - their source, purpose, and impact. Use the following reflections to inform your wealth affirmations…
Define wealth
Exactly how much money (income or net worth) does one need to be considered wealthy?
Are people with $100 less than this amount not wealthy? How about with $1,000 less? $10,000?
How important is attaining wealth to you?
Why or why not?
My passion does not generate wealth. It is okay for me to pursue my passion.
My passion does not generate wealth. It is okay for me to pursue wealth.
Money is not what gives my life meaning.
As I build my wealth, I will always prioritize contributing money to causes that are meaningful to me.
I have financial privilege yet I cannot sleep at night, because I continue to worry about money. I recognize that money is not about numbers, and I am committed to doing the inner work I need to alleviate these worries.
Hobbies and Interests Affirmations
Our hobbies and interests are worth investing in as they are vital to our self-care and mental health and wellbeing. Some hobbies and interests are more expensive than others; therefore, different hobbies and interests can have drastically different impacts on our budgets. We should spend money on our hobbies and interests, and we should do so thoughtfully.
Use the following reflections to inform your spending affirmations…
What three hobbies and interests are absolutely essential to my mental health and wellbeing?
What one hobby or interest do I have that has a higher financial investment than wellbeing benefit or return?
I cannot afford every hobby right now, but I can afford them over the years to come. Timing is everything.
For every one hobby that I have to spend money on, I will find one that I do not have to spend money on.
I will only purchase clothing if the price per use (price of item divided by number of uses) is less than $7.
I can find creative ways to engage in travel (couch surfing, visiting friends, Host a Sister, staying with alumni from my alma mater, etc.) that do not require me to spend as much money.
I am going to make personal finance my new favorite hobby!