8 Unique Ways to Overcome Money Dysmorphia
Money dysmorphia is increasingly common - learn what money dysmorphia is and ways to overcome it.

12 Months, 12 Financial To Dos For 2025
New year, new financial you! Take one important step each month to bring you closer to your financial goals.

8 Personal Finance Tips For People With ADHD
People with ADHD face unique financial challenges resulting in the ‘nuerodiversity tax’. Personal finance tips for people with ADHD are often more similar to personal finance tips for people without ADHD than one might think!
![25 Transformative Money Affirmations - Manifest That! [A Series - Part IV]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1732077698384-5AIACHF5UI1EVH7257T8/pexels-yankrukov-5216245.jpg)
25 Transformative Money Affirmations - Manifest That! [A Series - Part IV]
Think transformative money affirmations are cheesey? Think again! Money affirmations unique to you will help you to achieve your financial goals and relieve feelings of financial shame.

10 Helpful Tips To Arguing About Money
Arguing about money is common. Arguing about money in a compassionate and constructive way is less common. Learn some helpful tips to having more collaborative money conversations.

8 Impacts of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture on Financial Beliefs
Learn about the many ways in which culture and financial beliefs are deeply intertwined to better understand yourself and your partner.

10 Spooky and 10 Not So Spooky Financial Facts To Empower You!
Not your typical spooky financial facts, and some not so spooky financial facts for the scaredy cats.
![8 Steps to Improving Your Physical and Financial Health [and 1 Important Anti-Step]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1729535176216-K3P8HLAHHEIX18JFJIEF/pexels-cottonbro-6833018.jpg)
8 Steps to Improving Your Physical and Financial Health [and 1 Important Anti-Step]
Our physical and financial health impact us throughout our lives - improving and tending to both is essential in our overall wellbeing.
![7 Financial Topics to Discuss with Your Aging Parents [A Series: Part 2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1728924340054-TQXCLHKJVCS2Y3ZNDIYX/pexels-cottonbro-7232037.jpg)
7 Financial Topics to Discuss with Your Aging Parents [A Series: Part 2]
Specific financial topics for you to address with your aging parents.
![Money Talk: How To Suggest Financial Therapy To A Loved One [Part I]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1728314485904-NLMQWAJPWI4L2BMNA1G1/pexels-tim-douglas-6567547.jpg)
Money Talk: How To Suggest Financial Therapy To A Loved One [Part I]
Knowing what exactly financial therapy is will help you to have a conversation with a loved one about financial therapy.
![5 Reasons NOT to Budget AND 5 Budget Alternatives [Not Budget Variations]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1724005237623-WGR9RV9E4NCNCXMUKJB2/pexels-taryn-elliott-6184414.jpg)
5 Reasons NOT to Budget AND 5 Budget Alternatives [Not Budget Variations]
Budgeting is not for everyone! Consider these reasons not to budget as well as these more effective alternatives.
![25 Transformative Money Affirmations - Manifest That! [A Series - Part III]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1723442321462-NYZ666C062ULSCW7T14X/pexels-olly-774866.jpg)
25 Transformative Money Affirmations - Manifest That! [A Series - Part III]
A guide to creating money affirmations that are true to you and therefore useful and effective.

10 Common Questions About Financial Infidelity Answered
Everything you need to know about financial infidelity and stealth spending.
![4 Limiting Beliefs About Investing [And How To Address Them]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1722237163648-5DYK5OE1XH6LP3GT87D1/istockphoto-1474998561-612x612.jpg)
4 Limiting Beliefs About Investing [And How To Address Them]
Limiting beliefs about investing can impede your ability to achieve your goals. Fortunately, you can overcome these limiting beliefs and take control of your financil future.

11 Must-Ask Financial Questions In A Relationship
Ask your partner these questions to build a strong financial foundation in your relationship.
![7 Steps to Beginning a Financial Conversation with Your Aging Parents [A Series: Part 1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1721067432555-V4LQELAU5DONH89PEGO1/pexels-leish-6975188.jpg)
7 Steps to Beginning a Financial Conversation with Your Aging Parents [A Series: Part 1]
Learn how to prepare for and to start financial conversations with your aging parents to alleviate financial stress and to improve your and your parents’ financial wellbeing.
![Therapeutic Approaches to Teaching Your Child About Finances [Tools for Different Age Ranges]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1720414851970-KYPGAL8DN2FMXU9VZL1Y/pexels-photo-3933060.jpg)
Therapeutic Approaches to Teaching Your Child About Finances [Tools for Different Age Ranges]
Parents play a large part in shaping their children’s financial beliefs and financial behaviors. Learn unique and thoughtful approaches to engaging in money and financial education with them.

10 Practical Steps to Creating, Establishing, and Maintaining Financial Boundaries
Setting healthy and thoughtful financial boundaries can alleviate significant financial stress and enhance overall financial wellness.
![6 Financial Considerations for LGBTQ People [With Tips for My Fellow Queers and for All You Allies!]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/609af54984bf403213746803/1719284847664-XTZFVUJ5FD36MP71VDMH/istockphoto-1625501432-612x612.jpg)
6 Financial Considerations for LGBTQ People [With Tips for My Fellow Queers and for All You Allies!]
Financial considerations unique to the LGBTQ community, actionable steps to achieving increased financial stability for LGBTQ people, and tips for allies to make the world a better place for LGBTQ friends and family members.

9 Home Buying and Homeownership Beliefs \ Myths Debunked
There are many myths about homeownership - all of which imply that homeownership is the best decision for everyone. Let’s explore these myths further!