Having Fun with Financial Trade-offs: 5 Common Trade-off Types
Understanding financial trade-offs can help you to feel increasingly confident in your relationship to money, financial decision making, and money management. Ask yourself…
Without judgment - what do I desire?
Without judgment - what is important to me?
Without judgment - what would I do if no one else knew the outcome?
5 Common Types of Trade-offs
What free or low cost health options can I engage in?
How does my relationship to my job impact my physical health?
How does my physical health impact my relationship to my personal finances?
Get involved in healthcare reform advocacy - there are so many organizations doing this important work!
A Very Important Note To Financial Optimizers
Some people deny themselves the opportunity to spend in order to save and invest more. Sometimes the opportunity cost of saving and investing more today is sacrificing life experiences. Life is meant to be lived. By choosing $8,724 in thirty years instead of a $500 Beyonce ticket today, you are actually choosing $8,724 in thirty years instead of a fun night with your best friend seeing your idol - a memory you will never forget and always look back on with a smile on your face! Every time you hear Partition you will immediately be transported back! Financial optimization is important and certainly has its place. However, financial optimization can often be over glorified and life optimization under-appreciated. If you are a financial optimizer…
Instead of thinking about the optimal financial decision, consider the optimal emotional or experiential decision.
Read Die With Zero by Bill Perkins to understand more about experiential optimization.
Read Financial Freedom by Grant Sabatier to understand more about the negative implications of financial optimization.
Consider working with a Certified Financial Therapist to uncover your beliefs about money.