7 Key Ways to Improve Your Relationship To Sex and Money
Many frequent vacation goers are living paycheck to paycheck (According to Forbes, in 2023, 78% of Americans were living paycheck to paycheck - this includes many people making six figures! So next time you are at happy hour with coworkers, look around - if there are 5 of you, 4 of you are living paycheck to paycheck. Unless you are all fully honest, there is no knowing who is and who isn’t).
“What assumptions may other people have about me based on my job, car, home, vacation, social media presence, etc.? How accurate are these assumptions?”
“How does comparing myself to others hinder me?”
“How often and when do I most often compare myself to others? And why?”
Look inward and outward. Recognizing the implicit and explicit messages that you received about money can help you to better understand what is driving your conscious and subconscious sexual and financial behaviors. Ask yourself and your partner…
“What implicit and explicit messages did I \ you receive as a child?”
“How have the implicit and explicit messages that I \ you received as a child influenced your beliefs and behaviors?”
“What experiences have I had that have reinforced or challenged my beliefs?”